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Green Box ABA, PLLC

Therapeutic Consultation
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What is Behavioral Therapeutic Consultation?
Therapeutic Consultation Services are provided through the Virginia Medicaid Waiver program. This service offers assessments, development of a therapeutic consultation plan, and teaching in any of the following specialty areas to assist family members, caregivers, and other service providers in helping the individual enrolled in the waiver.
Who Provides the Service?
Every consulting service is provided by a Behavior Analyst.
A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) has a master's degree, specialized training in applied behavior analysis, is certified through the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), and licensed (LBA) through the Virginia Board of Medicine.
A Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) has a bachelor's degree, specialized training in behavior analysis, is certified through the BACB, licensed in Virginia (LaBA), and receives regular supervision by BCBA-level clinicians.
Who Is Eligible?
Therapeutic Consultation services are available to individuals residing in Virginia who receive services through the following waivers:
Family and Individual – which includes supports for children and adults living with their families, friends, or in their own homes.
Community Living – which includes up to 24/7 residential services and additional supports for adults and children with exceptional medical and/or behavioral support needs. This is the only waiver that provides the sponsored residential and group home residential services options.
?What Can Be Addressed
Depending on the individual's needs, plans could address: ​
Specific Behavioral Concerns
Communication Skills
Community Living Skills
Home Living/Household Skills
Employment Skills
Health, Hygiene, and Personal Care Skills
Safety Skills
Social Skills
Self-Regulation Skills
Where Do I Start?
Visit My Life, My Community for the information you need about the VA Developmental Disabilities Waiver Program and Behavioral Therapeutic Consultation.